My Calendar

Events in March 2021

  • March 1, 2021 (1 event)

    March 1, 2021

    Adds nurses to the assault against a first responder who is discharging or attempting to discharge official duties statute.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 26, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT HB864 - J. Chism - 02/20/21 - Referred to House Criminal Justice Subcommittee.

    Senate Chamber, Senate Floor
  • March 2, 2021 (1 event)

    March 2, 2021

    Requires revenue anticipation notes have approval by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee.  Establishes renewal timeline for unpaid notes. Makes exemptions for FHA loans or any other direct lending department of the government of the United States. Makes other revisions to provisions governing bonds and notes issued by local governments (20 pp.).

    SB539 - B. Watson - 02/11/21 - Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.

    House Hearing Room III
  • March 3, 2021 (3 events)

    March 3, 2021

    Increases the penalty for assault of a first responder from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated February4, 2021) Increase State Expenditures $7,370,500 Incarceration* Decrease Local Expenditures $611,100/FY21-22 and Subsequent Years

    SB358 - J. Hensley - 02/10/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 3, 2021

    Sets requirements for exemptions from contractor licensing requirements for real property owners who intend to construct a residential building on that real property. Requires notice of construction made to the board for licensing contractors and the register of deeds.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 23,2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT

    SB275 - P. Rose - 02/10/21 - Referred to Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.

    House Hearing Room III

    March 3, 2021

    Punishment for first-degree murder-  Limits the punishment a jury can consider for a defendant convicted of first-degree murder committed against law enforcement officers, correctional officers, or rescue workers engaged in the performance of their official duties to death or imprisonment for life without possibility of parole. Amendment Summary: House Criminal Justice Subcommittee amendment 1 (003894) adds a section clarifying that juries are to be instructed that a defendant who receives a sentence of life imprisonment is not eligible for parole consideration until they serve at least 51 full calendar years of their sentence, instead of 25 full calendar years.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated February 5, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT

    SB841 - J. Johnson - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.


    Sentencing of attempted first degree murder- Allows a person convicted of attempted first degree murder to be sentenced to imprisonment for life without possibility of parole if the offense is committed against any law enforcement officer, correctional officer, department of correction employee, probation and parole officer, emergency medical or rescue worker, emergency medical technician, paramedic, or firefighter who was engaged in the performance of official duties.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated February 5, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT

    SB842 - J. Johnson - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II
  • March 9, 2021 (4 events)

    March 9, 2021

    Adds communications between a peer supporter providing critical incident stress management intervention and a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel to those communications that are considered confidential and for which a person cannot be called to testify or otherwise divulge.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 13, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB163 - M. Pody - 02/08/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 9, 2021

    Sets requirements for exemptions from contractor licensing requirements for real property owners who intend to construct a residential building on that real property. Requires notice of construction made to the board for licensing contractors and the register of deeds.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 23, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB275 - P. Rose - 02/10/21 - Referred to Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.

    House Hearing Room I

    March 9, 2021

    Requires revenue anticipation notes have approval by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee. Establishes renewal timeline for unpaid notes. Makes exemptions for FHA loans or any other direct lending department of the government of the United States. Makes other revisions to provisions governing bonds and notes issued by local governments (20 pp.).
    SB539 - B. Watson - 02/11/21 - Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.

    House Hearing Room I

    March 9, 2021

    Requires fire marshal to establish process for certification as an outdoor fireworks display operator, proximate pyrotechnic display operator, or flame effect display operator. Fiscal Note: (Dated January 21, 2021) Decrease State Revenue Net Impact - $6,700/FY21-22 and Subsequent Years/ State Fire Marshal's Office
    HB1497 - J. Towns Jr. - 03/01/21 - Referred to House Business & Utilities Subcommittee.

    Senate Hearing Room I
  • March 10, 2021 (3 events)

    March 10, 2021

    Increases the penalty for harassment if the person committed the offense because of the victim's actual or perceived employment as a first responder. Defines "first responder" for the purposes of harassment to mean a correctional officer employed by the department of corrections, an emergency medical technician, a firefighter, a law enforcement officer, or any other person who responds to calls for emergency assistance. Broadly captioned.
    SB1138 - D. White - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 10, 2021

    Adds nurses to the assault against a first responder who is discharging or attempting to discharge official duties statute.
    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 26, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB19 - B. Gilmore - 03/01/21 - Senate passed.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 10, 2021

    Limits the punishment a jury can consider for a defendant convicted of first-degree murder committed against law enforcement officers, correctional officers, or rescue workers engaged in the performance of their official duties to death or imprisonment for life without possibility of parole. Amendment Summary: House Criminal Justice Subcommittee amendment 1 (003894) adds a section clarifying that juries are to be instructed that a defendant who receives a sentence of life imprisonment is not eligible for parole consideration until they serve at least 51 full calendar years of their sentence, instead of 25 full calendar years.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated February 5, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB841 - J. Johnson - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II
  • March 16, 2021 (3 events)

    March 16, 2021

    Adds communications between a peer supporter providing critical incident stress management intervention and a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel to those communications that are considered confidential and for which a person cannot be called to testify or otherwise divulge.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 13, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB163 - M. Pody - 02/08/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 16, 2021

    HB772 - PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: Payments to volunteer firefighters for completing an in-service training course. Provides annual $600 payments to volunteer firefighters who complete an inservice training course of at least 40 hours duration and appropriate to their rank, responsibility and the size and location of their department. Defines "volunteer firefighter" as an unpaid member of a fire department that is recognized by the state fire marshal and is required to extinguish and control fires. Part of Administration Package.
    SB778 - J. Johnson - 02/11/21 - Referred to Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.

    HB335 - PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: Compensation paid to firefighters for certain conditions or injuries. Adds leukemia and testicular cancer to the list of cancers for which a presumption is created that certain conditions or impairments of full-time firefighters caused by leukemia, testicular cancer, or other listed cancers arose out of employment unless the contrary is shown by competent medical evidence.
    SB1569 - P. Bailey - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.

    HB105 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Residency requirements as condition of employment for first responder. Prohibits a local government from having residency requirements as a condition of
    employment for a first responder. Broadly captioned. Amendment Summary: Senate amendment 1 (003761) replaces this bill's prohibition against local governments establishing residency requirements for first responders with a prohibition against local governments dismissing, disciplining, fining, or penalizing a first responder employed by a local government, or denying employment to a person applying to be a first responder, based on where the first responder or applicant resides. This amendment modifies this bill's definition of "first responders" to include dispatchers of law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical service departments and exclude department chiefs and heads. This amendment adds that this bill will not affect a local agencies' policies that require responses by employees who, based upon their assignment, are required to respond to an emergency or call out within a specific time period. Senate amendment 2 (004082) adds to this bill's preamble and exempts Hamilton County from the prohibition against imposing residency requirements on first responders employed by local government entities.
    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 7, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT

    SB29 - B. Kelsey - 03/04/21 - Senate passed with amendment 1 (003761) and amendment 2 (004082). Amendment 1 replaces this bill's prohibition against local governments establishing
    residency requirements for first responders with a prohibition against local governments dismissing, disciplining, fining, or penalizing a first responder employed by a local government, or denying employment to a person applying to be a first responder, based on where the first responder or applicant resides. This amendment modifies this bill's definition of "first responders" to include dispatchers of law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical service departments and exclude department chiefs and heads. This amendment adds that this bill will not affect a local agencies' policies that require responses by employees who, based upon their assignment, are required to respond to an emergency or call out within a specific time period. Amendment 2 adds to this bill's preamble and exempts Hamilton County from the prohibition against imposing residency requirements on first responders employed by local government entities.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 16, 2021

    Requires fire marshal to establish process for certification as an outdoor fireworks display operator, proximate pyrotechnic display operator, or flame effect display operator. Fiscal Note: (Dated January 21, 2021) Decrease State Revenue Net Impact - $6,700/FY21-22 and Subsequent Years/ State Fire Marshal's Office
    HB1497 - J. Towns Jr. - 03/01/21 - Referred to House Business & Utilities Subcommittee.

    Senate Hearing Room I
  • March 17, 2021 (3 events)

    March 17, 2021

    HB1074 CRIMINAL LAW: Penalty for assault of a first responder. Increases the penalty for assault of a first responder from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony. Fiscal Note: (Dated
    February 4, 2021) Increase State Expenditures $7,370,500 Incarceration* Decrease Local Expenditures $611,100/FY21-22 and Subsequent Years
    SB358 - J. Hensley - 02/10/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    HB864 - CRIMINAL LAW: Assault against a first responder includes nurses. Adds nurses to the assault against a first responder who is discharging or attempting to discharge official duties statute.
    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 26, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB19 - B. Gilmore - 03/01/21 - Senate passed.

    House Hearing Room II

    March 17, 2021

    Requires revenue anticipation notes have approval by the comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee. Establishes renewal timeline for unpaid notes. Makes exemptions for FHA loans or any other direct lending department of the government of the United States. Makes other revisions to provisions governing bonds and notes issued by local governments (20 pp.).
    SB539 - B. Watson - 02/11/21 - Referred to Senate State & Local Government Committee.

    House Hearing Room III

    March 17, 2021

    Increases the penalty for harassment if the person committed the offense because of the victim's actual or perceived employment as a first responder. Defines "first responder" for the purposes of harassment to mean a correctional officer employed by the department of corrections, an emergency medical technician, a firefighter, a law enforcement officer, or any other person who responds to calls for emergency assistance. Broadly captioned.
    SB1138 - D. White - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

    House Hearing Room II