HB511 - CRIMINAL LAW: Punishment for first-degree murder.

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HB511 - CRIMINAL LAW: Punishment for first-degree murder.

March 10, 2021

Limits the punishment a jury can consider for a defendant convicted of first-degree murder committed against law enforcement officers, correctional officers, or rescue workers engaged in the performance of their official duties to death or imprisonment for life without possibility of parole. Amendment Summary: House Criminal Justice Subcommittee amendment 1 (003894) adds a section clarifying that juries are to be instructed that a defendant who receives a sentence of life imprisonment is not eligible for parole consideration until they serve at least 51 full calendar years of their sentence, instead of 25 full calendar years.

Fiscal Note: (Dated February 5, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
SB841 - J. Johnson - 02/22/21 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.

House Hearing Room II

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