My Calendar

Week of Mar 8th

  • March 9, 2021 (3 events)

    March 9, 2021

    Authorizes the state treasurer to establish a length of service award program for eligible employers to participate in a deferred compensation plan for bona fide volunteers. Specifies that the commissioner of finance and administration, the chairs of the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the house, and the state treasurer shall serve as trustees for the length of service award program if established.
    SB655 - J. Bowling - 03/04/21 - Set for Senate State & Local Government Committee 03/09/21.

    House Hearing Room III

    March 9, 2021

    Sets requirements for exemptions from contractor licensing requirements for real property owners who intend to construct a residential building on that real property. Requires notice of construction made to the board for licensing contractors and the register of deeds.

    Fiscal Note: (Dated January 23, 2021) NOT SIGNIFICANT
    SB275 - P. Rose - 02/10/21 - Referred to Senate Commerce & Labor Committee.

    House Hearing Room I

    March 9, 2021

    Authorizes the state treasurer to establish a length of service award program for eligible employers to participate in a deferred compensation plan for bona fide volunteers. Specifies that the commissioner of finance and administration, the chairs of the finance, ways and means committees of the senate and the house, and the state treasurer shall serve as trustees for the length of service award program if established.
    HB612 - R. Gant - 03/04/21 - Set for House Cities & Counties Subcommittee 03/09/21.

    Senate Hearing Room I